One lucky lady! Two unlucky kids! Four rrroolllsss of the dice! Lots of neon! And a mystery that very likely includes a VAMPIRE! What seems like a city for adults only turns out to be an exciting town for kids who love neon, cactus, gigantic dams, rollercoasters atop tall hotels, chocolate, swimming pools and vampires. Vampires? Well, it seems so, but who knows in Las Vegas, a place where magic can be fake...yet the pretend be alllll too real!
LOOK what's in this mystery - people, places, history, and more!
Casinos Las Vegas facts and history • Spiders and Scorpions • Mojave Desert history • Neon lights • Elvis Presley impersonators • The Las Vegas Strip• history • White Bengal Tigers • Information on the hotels on the strip • Rides in the Stratosphere Hotel • Hoover Dam history • Nellis Air Force Base• Mojave Desert • Fremont Street, • Glitter Gulch • Hoover Dam, Black Canyon • Secret Garden of Siegfried and Roy • Madame Tussauds Wax Museum • Ethel M. Chocolate Factory • Luxor Hotel • Las Vegas Natural History Museum • Flamingo Hotel • Ice Canyon.
Like all of Carole Marsh Mysteries, this mystery incorporates history, geography, culture and cliffhanger chapters that will keep kids begging for more! This mystery includes SAT words, educational facts, fun and humor, built-in book club and activities.
Below is the
Reading Levels Guide for this book:
Grade Levels: 3-6
Accelerated Reader Reading Level: 4.6
Accelerated Reader Points: 2
Accelerated Reader Quiz Number: 126332
Lexile Measure: 750
Fountas & Pinnell Guided Reading Level: Q
Developmental Assessment Level: 40
Want a sneak peak? Read the first three chapters

For additional resources, go to the Resources Tab. On the Resource Tab, you will find Common Core State Standards for Teachers, Where Have You Been map, additional activities including Fact or Fiction, Fascinating Facts, Book Club Discussion Questions and Book Club Activities, and the Around the World Common Core State Standards Teacher Resource for classroom discussion questions and activities for ELA.
FREE resources for you!
1. Download the Carole Marsh Mysteries
Real Kids! Real Places! Correlations to Common Core/State Standards HERE.

2. Download the
Where Have You Been map

3. Utilize the
Real Kids! Real Places! Common Core State Standards Teacher Resource for classroom discussion questions and activities for ELA grades 2-6. This can be used for all 50 mysteries

4. Download additional activities including
Fact or Fiction, Fascinating Facts, Book Club Discussions and Book Club Activities HERE.

5. The corresponding
Teacher's Guide is a page-by-page supplementary resource that gives you additional activities to enhance the student's learning opportunities by using cross-curricular materials including discussion questions, reproducible vocabulary, science, geography and math activities. Click
HERE to purchase the
Teacher’s Guide.