By author: Carole MarshProduct Code: 68095ISBN: 978-0-635-06809-5Format: Paperback
Kids will learn about Russia with an engaging, modern look, and timely, relevant, high-interest information and activities. Schools are integrating more and more world geography and events into the social studies curriculum. This educational book on Russia includes information on its past and present and will come alive with food, culture, history, and famous people PLUS an introduction to the language.
By author: Carole MarshProduct Code: 66920ISBN: 978-0-635-06692-3Format: Paperback
Thomas Edison was a world famous inventor who patented hundreds of inventions in America and Europe. He was also a manufacturer and businessman. A life-long hard worker, Edison serves as an inspiration for many scientists and inventors, young and old.
By author: Carole MarshProduct Code: 66998ISBN: 978-0-635-06699-2Format: Paperback
Paul Revere is a popular patriot in American history. Not only famous for his help with the American Revolution, he is also known for his great skill as a gold and silversmith. This jack of all trades is an interesting piece of American history!
By author: Carole MarshProduct Code: 22583ISBN: 978-0-635-02258-5Format: Paperback
Kid's will love these books of important Native American facts about their own state. This 32-page reproducible book gives kids the information about the Native American in their own state including chiefs, tribes, reservations, powwows, lore and more from the past and the present.
Product Code: GA1PSCISBN: GA1PSC
The Georgia Experience 1st Grade Student Workbook Class Set of 30 includes: • 30 Student Workbooks (print & digital) • 1 Teacher's Edition (print & digital) • 30 ExperTrack Assessment System Licenses • FREE Online Teacher Toolbox • 30 each of 7 Biography Readers (print) • FREE Discount Card - Receive 20% off non-curriculum orders for an entire year. The Georgia Experience 1st Grade Student Workbook Class Set allows you to personalize your lesson plans by choosing from an array of products that are 100% aligned to the Georgia Standards of Excellence. Order your Class Set now!
By author: Carole MarshProduct Code: 121882ISBN: 978-0-635-12188-2
Read about Jamestown, the first permanent English Settlement in America. Learn all about the colony, from the struggles it faced to the people who helped it survive, like Captain John Smith and the Indian princess Pocahontas! Big, colorful art and photographs enchant young readers and bring Jamestown to life!
Product Code: OH4CS6ISBN: OH4CS6
The 4th Grade Ohio Experience Class Set for 25 students is 100% aligned to the 2019 Ohio Learning Standards for Social Studies and includes print and digital resources for students and teachers. View samples and learn more at
Student Book (Print Edition) – Core component of the Ohio Experience, covering 100% of the Ohio Learning Standards for social studies. Consumable textbook + workbook all-in-one resource.
Digital Course – Easy-to-use online access to the Student eBook, assignments, and grades.
Teacher’s Edition (Print Edition) – Full Student Edition with answers to all questions and activities. Includes Pacing Guide and Standards Correlations Guide.
Online Instructional Platform – Organized by units and chapters, easily access, assign, and grade learning resources. Includes…
Teacher’s Edition eBook.
Hundreds of assignable Teacher Tools with resources, activities, and videos.
Pre-built and auto-graded Benchmark, Checkpoint, and End-of-Year ExperTrack Assessments.
Grade and submit feedback to students.
Multi-level standards reporting by course, class, and student.
Discount Card – Use your 20% off discount code – as much as you’d like - on hundreds of supplemental resources on
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All public institutions and/or established accounts with authorized purchase orders may charge their orders, Terms are Net 30 days. Price subject to change. Not responsible for errors or omissions in this catalog. Gallopade is a sole-source provider for the Ohio Curriculum products.
The Kindergarten Virginia Experience Class Set for 30 students is 100% aligned to the Virginia Standards of Learning and includes print and digital resources for students and teachers. View samples and learn more at
Student Book (Digital & Print Edition) – Core component of the Virginia Experience, covering 100% of the Virginia Standards of Learning for social studies. Consumable textbook + workbook all-in-one resource.
Print Biography Readers - Receive a pack of 30 readers for each of the 2 historical figures.
Digital Course – Easy-to-use online access to the Student eBook, assignments, and grades. Includes Free interactive Digital Biography Readers for 2 historical figures.
Teacher’s Edition (Digital & Print Edition) – Full Student Edition with answers to all questions and activities.
Online Instructional Platform – Organized by units and chapters, easily access, assign, and grade student book activities. Includes…
Teacher’s Edition eBook.
Teacher Tools including projects and enrichment reading passages.
Grade and submit feedback to students.
Multi-level standards reporting by course, class, and student.
Discount Card – Use your 20% off discount code – as much as you’d like - on hundreds of supplemental resources on
Free Training
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Standard Shipping - 3-8 business days, 10%, $10 minimum. Saver Shipping - 7-10 business days, 6%, $5 minimum. If no shipping method is specified by the customer, standard shipping will be used.
Payment Terms
All public institutions and/or established accounts with authorized purchase orders may charge their orders, Terms are Net 30 days. Price subject to change. Not responsible for errors or omissions in this catalog. Gallopade is a sole-source provider for the Virginia Curriculum products.
By author: Carole MarshProduct Code: 28700ISBN: 978-0-635-02870-9Format: Paperback
Did you know… Robert Fulton did not invent the steamboat? Robert Fulton developed underwater weapons like torpedoes and mines? Robert Fulton wanted to be a portrait painter? Benjamin Franklin was one of Robert's friends? Learn all about Robert's journey with this educational 14-page reproducible book, filled with fun facts, activities and a lot more!
By author: Carole MarshProduct Code: 105127ISBN: 978-0-635-10512-7
WOULD YOU HIRE THIS PERSON?: A Look at Getting Hired (or not!)...From the Point of View of Your (Possible!) Future Employer prepares student to land a great job in today's economy with: • Real-world job interviews • Insights from interviewers • Thoughts from job candidates Plus tips and tricks from Carole Marsh, business leader and Georgia employer!
By author: Carole MarshProduct Code: 14718ISBN: 978-0-635-01471-9Format: Paperback
Johnny Appleseed is one of America's favorite frontier heroes. Johnny planted apple trees in many states. The settlers liked him, the Indians respected him, and the animals never feared him. Johnny Appleseed - a true American legend!
By author: Carole MarshProduct Code: 95151ISBN: 978-0-7933-9515-6Format: Paperback
This reproducible book is an introduction to your great state. Kids will learn about their state history, geography, presidents, people, places, nature, animals, and much more by completing these enriching activities.